Sunday, May 06, 2007

On the Road Again

On the way up to my next assignment in Chiloquin, Oregon, I made a special stop along Interstate 5 to take these pics of Castle Crags. This zoomed-in shot shows how big those cliffs really are in comparison to the trees. Such jagged rocks always lure me in and I'd like to spend a day wandering around up there someday.

This next picture is the wide angle shot of all the crags. I'm sure I could get into all kinds of trouble up there if I picked the wrong peak to climb.

This morning, I went out before breakfast to take advantage of the morning light. I had picked out an area to drive to, on top of a high ridge above Klamath Lake. Mt. McLoughlin is like a "Baby Shasta" to me. Topping out at under 10,000 feet, it's 4000 feet lower than Shasta but still has those graceful lines and pointed top. This picture also features a very interesting cliff of rimrock and a stylishly-posed snag to enhance the foreground.

I just had to explore this scene a bit more, taking multiple copies of similar shots. Which do you like better?

Finally, I had a distant view of a very dominant Mount Shasta. My powerful zoom brought the mountain much closer through the haze. I played around with the levels controls to get a more natural view than the original.

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Blogger Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

I looked at them both in differnt sizes... I am going with.... it depends on the application. I love them both.

8:36 PM  

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