Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More great states!

Montana is a great state because of its natural wonders. Their wildlife is plentiful and quite varied and, this cute little baby bighorn sheep was just too adorable to pass up.

Here's another example of some Montana "wildlife".

We now go to Oregon, where I was working on the huge Biscuit Fire that burned in 2002. Even bigger than the 500,000 acres that burned, was the controversy generated from the 4% of the fire that was to be salvaged by logging. This massive pine tree outside of the fire was marvelled at by John Muir in his day. The tree tops out at over 250 feet tall, which is extremely tall for a ponderosa pine. I've seen "fatter" pines than this 86 inch diameter monster but, never a taller one.

Lastly, we go to Idaho and their Sawtooth Mountains where spectacular meadows are quite commonplace. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the fence AND the incredible mountains into one picture but, I'll look for another one showing the jagged snowy peaks that dominate the Sawtooth skyline in another posting.


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