Holiday Hiatus?
I did have an unusual holiday season this last year,
with me working right up until Christmas, keeping an eye on those pesky helicopter loggers. Couple that with a problem in the phone company's portion of my phone line and I've been away from the Internet for a while. Yes, I've seen that the world indeed HAS gone without me for many weeks now, eh? Now that I'm off work for the winter, I'll try posting some vintage (and poorly scanned) photos from my slide archives.
What an AWESOME morning THAT was! Camping
on the very edge of a 3000 foot drop on top of many
feet of sierra snow. As you can see by the frost along
the edges of the falls, the previous night really WAS a
pretty cold one. The skiing is always quite easy
because they groom the Glacier Point Road with
snowcats and the terrain is rather rolling with only
a short little drop from Sentinel Dome down into
Glacier Point.
More holiday picture news coming soon!
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